We welcome your feedback so that we can continue to provide outstanding educational STEM mentorship programs rooted in community engagement. Use the form below or contact individual representatives of each regional branch for more information:
These include requests for SENDforC to host an event at your school/institution, opportunities to volunteer or join the nonprofit, potential research collaborations, proposing community problems for us to tackle or any way we can help!
Support us!
Making a charitable donation. Any amount is welcome and can specify what Track, Project or other criteria it can be used for. Tax deductions are also available for individuals/groups who donate to IRS recognized charitable groups such as SENDforC Inc. Our charitable reference number is: 47-1217275.
Becoming a SENDforC Volunteer (nonprofit group or student chapters).
Offering feedback, letting us and others know about our programs and how we are doing.
Service: institutions and individuals able to provide tours, visits and speaking to our students.
Collaborations in hosting larger community events.
Request a remote mentor or SENDforC student-researcher to solve a problem in our communities.
Donating equipment or pro-bono services we may use.
Follow us!
UC Berkeley Chapter’s Facebook | Instagram
Join us !
Join our startup nonprofit organization and help us provide outstanding educational opportunities and use advanced science and engineering schools to solve urgent community and global problems (unpaid and thorough screening process). Maximal flexibility based on your interests and availability. We welcome people from all backgrounds, stages in their career and skill sets. Help us to create and develop the magic together!
Nonprofit Coordinator, University Student and Advisory positions (local and remote) for individuals of the following interests:
Accounting, Communication and Social Media, Curriculum Assessment, Educational Policy, Graphics Design, Information Technology, Nonprofit Management, Finance, Strategy, Social Entrepreneurship, Research, Writing
-- Use the contact form below and email Benyam Alemu expressing interest. More information including your potential SENDforC team and job description will then be sent and an interview will be booked. balemu@sendforc.org
SENDforC parent group application: https://goo.gl/forms/fUmibpAl3eRiOfkt1
UC Berkeley chapter’s information: Get Involved: Berkeley
UC San Diego and UC Berkeley have active SENDforC student programs.
F https://www.facebook.com/SENDforC/
E balemu@sendforc.org